What Is Android Developer Option In Android Device?


Today in this post we will discuss about Android Developer Option in Android Device. Most of the people doesn’t know that What Is Android Developer Option. So today we discuss on these topics like – What Is Android Developer Option In Android Device ? Advantage & Disadvantage of Android Developer Option ? How to enable Developer option ?

We will try to cover this most searchable topics in google about Android Developer Option in Android Devices.

What is Android Developer Option ?

Android Developer Option is the special type of option which allow us to find out bug , control over all apps, check CPU uses and also get additional features in Android Devices. Generally all Android Devices and Tablets have Android Developer Options. This option is very useful for those who need additional features and test verity types of software.

Android Developer Option also allow us to debugging any kind of information, Layout bound, GPU views, Hardware layers and many more. So that is all about Android Developer Option. And now we will discuss about How we enable Android Developer Option in Android Devices.

How we enable Android Developer Option ?

Many of Android devices have same process to active Android Developer Option in Android Devices and its totally depends upon our ROM (Read Only Memory).

Steps to enable –

  1. Go to Mobile Setting
  2. Find “About Phone” option and go
  3. Then scroll down and find out Build Number
  4. After that tap Build Number 2 to 3 times
  5. After that a message will popup that You’re one step away from being a developer 
  6. After that tap more then 3 times
  7. And finally a message will popup that You are now a Developer.

So these are the process to enable Android Developer Option in Android Devices and most of this cases this is same in all Android Devices to enable Android Developer Option.

How to Disable Android Developer Option ?

So we already discuss about how we enable Android Developer Option and now we will discuss about How we Disable Android Developer Option in Android Devices.

Steps to disable –

  1. Go to Mobile Setting
  2. Then search Developer Option 
  3. After that go to Developer Option and at the top we can easily Off this
  4. Or we can go to more setting and we easily find the Developer Option and off this

So these are the steps to disable Android Developer Option in Android Devices.

Why we use Android Developer Option ?

There are the most of the reasons to use Android Developer Option. And we discuss the most 3 important features. And this features are very helpful to us that’s why we use Android Developer Option to use mainly this features.

1. USB Debugging

By using this features most of the developer view the their app directly from desktop to mobile phone. This features save developer’s lots of time to test an app.

2. Testing

By using this features most of the developer’s test there app features. And this option are very useful to developer to test any app before release or publish.

3. Backup

By using this features we can easily backup our system or any kind of data. This is because in some cases we cannot take backup of some data but this is only possible in Android Developer Option.

So these are the most common but important features of Android Developer Option in Android Devices. And most of the Android Developer mostly use this features to test and check the specification of App. Now the time to discuss about Advantages and Disadvantages of Android Developer Option in Android Devices.

Advantages of Android Developer Option

In this section we will discuss about the Advantages of Android Developer Option. So there are the too many advantages of Android Developer Option. And these are –

  1. We can find a bug easily and report the bug also.
  2. By the use of USB debugging we can easily test our app directly desktop to phone.
  3. The feature Mock Location allow us to set location information to any kind of application.
  4. If we want to debug any Application then we can easily choose Debug Application.
  5. The Feature Show Touches allow use to show a visual cue whenever we touch anything in screen.
  6. Transition Animation Scale is use to set the transition animation playback in Android.
  7. Stimulate secondary display will stimulate the different screen size by using this options
  8. We can easily view the uses of CPU.
  9. By use this feature we also view the report of hardware layer update when ever any hardware update.

these are the mostly advantages features of Android Developer Option. And after that now we will discuss about the Disadvantages of Android Developer Option.

Disadvantages of Android Developer Option

In this section we will discuss about Disadvantages of Android Developer Option. And these are –

  • Disadvantage is depend upon the user because Android Developer Option specially use for Developers only. And if those people who didn’t know any thing about this try to use then it may be crash our system or apps.
  • On the other hand there are no disadvantages in Android Developer Option.

This features is mainly design for Android Developers and they know how to use it but whenever a normal users use this so that it may face some difficulty.

Final Words

So that is all about Android Developer Option in Android Devices and we also discuss of some features and Advantages & Disadvantages of Android Developer Option. So that we suggest for those users who didn’t know about developing don’t try this Developer Mode. And that’s all about our today article and now we will came back to an another interesting topic.

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